Ivana Lorencová, Ivana Kopecká, Jan Palas; 2018
National Technical Museum, Prague 2018, 301 pages, 165x245 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-287-6
The book has been conceived as a guide in our everyday life, and it should make us aware of how much this branch of science impacts on every aspect of our modern lives. I points to a range of associations that we are often not aware of: many articles ofdaily use and many processes that we take for granted are results of chemical research and of industrial technological laboratories.
* Údaje takto označené jsou povinné a je třeba je vždy vyplnit.
* Údaje takto označené jsou povinné a je třeba je vždy vyplnit.
National Technical Museum, Prague 2018, 301 pages, 165x245 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-287-6
The book has been conceived as a guide in our everyday life, and it should make us aware of how much this branch of science impacts on every aspect of our modern lives. I points to a range of associations that we are often not aware of: many articles ofdaily use and many processes that we take for granted are results of chemical research and of industrial technological laboratories.