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The History of Photography and the National Technical Museum’s Collection

Číslo zboží: 70000508
990,00 Kč

Tomáš Štanzel; 2024


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Informace produktu The History of Photography and the National Technical Museum’s Collection

Tomáš Štanzel; 2024

Národní technické muzeum, 2024, 230 s., bar., rozměr 240x315 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-422-1

The History of Photography and the NTM Collection (Historie fotografie a sbírka NTM) describes the development of conventional photography from the first attempts to capture images to the zenith of analogue photography. It gives a detailed description of the processes and technical means for daguerreotype, calotype, the wet collodion process, ambrotype, ferrotype, chronophotography, dichromated colloid processes, dry gelatine plates and photographic film. The publication includes several hundred images with examples from the NTM collection of the equipment and tools used. Every period covered also includes photographs from the NTM collections and archives that were made using the techniques described.
This book can provide a wealth of information for students of photography or art, moreover, it can be an interesting read for amateur and professional photographers and anyone else interested in the field.

Položit prodejci otázku k produktu The History of Photography and the National Technical Museum’s Collection

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* Údaje takto označené jsou povinné a je třeba je vždy vyplnit.

Informace produktu The History of Photography and the National Technical Museum’s Collection

Tomáš Štanzel; 2024

Národní technické muzeum, 2024, 230 s., bar., rozměr 240x315 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-422-1

The History of Photography and the NTM Collection (Historie fotografie a sbírka NTM) describes the development of conventional photography from the first attempts to capture images to the zenith of analogue photography. It gives a detailed description of the processes and technical means for daguerreotype, calotype, the wet collodion process, ambrotype, ferrotype, chronophotography, dichromated colloid processes, dry gelatine plates and photographic film. The publication includes several hundred images with examples from the NTM collection of the equipment and tools used. Every period covered also includes photographs from the NTM collections and archives that were made using the techniques described.
This book can provide a wealth of information for students of photography or art, moreover, it can be an interesting read for amateur and professional photographers and anyone else interested in the field.

Položit prodejci otázku k produktu The History of Photography and the National Technical Museum’s Collection

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