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Good Light! Organised Amateur Photography 1889-1950

Číslo zboží: 70000507
990,00 Kč

Michaela Hrubá; Pavel Scheufler, Tomáš Štanzel; 2024


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Informace produktu Good Light! Organised Amateur Photography 1889-1950

Michaela Hrubá; Pavel Scheufler, Tomáš Štanzel; 2024

Národní technické muzeum, 2024, 315 pages, 245x315 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-421-4

Good Light: Organized Amateur Photography, 1889-1950 (Dobré světlo: organizovaná amatérská fotografie 1889–1950) gives its readers a glimpse into the role and importance of amateur photographers’ clubs during the first sixty years of their existence. It is a thorough study of the development and history of these clubs and their influence on amateur photography up to 1950, focusing on the key events, personalities and institutions that shaped amateur photography and the development of the club environment. It explains how photography became popular and more accessible through advances in photographic technology and cheaper cameras, offering a detailed look at the evolution of amateur photography, including artistic photography and the amateur photographers’ search for meaning in their work. The book also includes vignettes of individual clubs and photographers, providing an in-depth overview of their development. The splendid photographs that accompany the text illustrate the wide range of subjects in amateur photography. This book provides an important contribution to understanding the development of amateur photography and the club movement in the first half of the 20th century. It is intended not just for specialists and historians of photography but also for general readers interested in the history of photography and amateur photographers’ club life. The book also includes an extensive overview of the foreign activities of Czech amateur photographers: the publication of their works in foreign magazines, the inclusion in their photographs in foreign exhibitions and their participation in foreign photographic competitions.

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* Údaje takto označené jsou povinné a je třeba je vždy vyplnit.

Informace produktu Good Light! Organised Amateur Photography 1889-1950

Michaela Hrubá; Pavel Scheufler, Tomáš Štanzel; 2024

Národní technické muzeum, 2024, 315 pages, 245x315 mm, ISBN 978-80-7037-421-4

Good Light: Organized Amateur Photography, 1889-1950 (Dobré světlo: organizovaná amatérská fotografie 1889–1950) gives its readers a glimpse into the role and importance of amateur photographers’ clubs during the first sixty years of their existence. It is a thorough study of the development and history of these clubs and their influence on amateur photography up to 1950, focusing on the key events, personalities and institutions that shaped amateur photography and the development of the club environment. It explains how photography became popular and more accessible through advances in photographic technology and cheaper cameras, offering a detailed look at the evolution of amateur photography, including artistic photography and the amateur photographers’ search for meaning in their work. The book also includes vignettes of individual clubs and photographers, providing an in-depth overview of their development. The splendid photographs that accompany the text illustrate the wide range of subjects in amateur photography. This book provides an important contribution to understanding the development of amateur photography and the club movement in the first half of the 20th century. It is intended not just for specialists and historians of photography but also for general readers interested in the history of photography and amateur photographers’ club life. The book also includes an extensive overview of the foreign activities of Czech amateur photographers: the publication of their works in foreign magazines, the inclusion in their photographs in foreign exhibitions and their participation in foreign photographic competitions.

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